literally meaning "The Garden of Heaven"

A day to raise awareness for pangolins: the most illegally traded mammal in the world. Pangolins, sometimes known as scaly anteaters, are mammals of the order Pholidota. They are the only mammals wholly covered in scales and they use those scales to protect themselves from predators in the wild.

World Pangolin Day has been observed annually on, the third Saturday in February since 2012. In this regard, Nandankanan celebrated World Pangolin Day on 19th February 2022 to raise public awareness and to support for pangolin conservation issues. There was a display of pangolin specimen and scales with fact sheets about pangolin in front of interpretation centre of Nandankanan. An interactive quiz on “pangolin conservation” was conducted amongst the visitors. Similarly, in on-line mode a poster making competition was conducted to raise the awareness about pangolins.

Deputy Director
Nandankanan Zoological Park

  • World Pangolin Day 2022
  • World Pangolin Day 2022
  • World Pangolin Day 2022
  • World Pangolin Day 2022