The 58th Foundation Day of Nandankanan Zoological Park was celebrated inside the park on 29th December, 2017 at 03:00 P.M. Shri Priyadarshi Mishra, Hon'ble M.L.A., Bhubaneswar (North) presided the meeting. Shri Suresh Chandra Mohapatra, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary, Forest & Environment Department, Govt. of Odisha graced the occasion as Chief Guest. Dr. Sandeep Tripathy, IFS PCCF (WL) & CWLW, Odisha and Shri Nirmal Chandra Mishra, IAS, District Magistrate & Collector graced the occasion as Guest of Honour. Shri Jayant Kumar Das, OFS(SB) Deputy Director, Nandankanan Zoological Park given the welcome address and Shri Sisir Kumar Acharya, IFS, Director Nandankanan Biological Park given the key note address. Finally the vote of thanks was given by Shri Girish Kumar Satpathy ACF, State Botanical Garden. The celebration was attended by the Ex-Directors of Nandankanan, Senior Forest Officers of the State, NGOs & eminent personalities of the State, Researchers and academicians, Members of Technical Committee and Health Committee of Nandankanan Zoological Park, Representatives from Print & Electronic media, school children of the locality, local people & staff members of the park. On the eve of 58th Foundation Day of Nandankanan Zoological Park, the newly constructed Himalayan Black Bear enclosure with an expenditure of Rs.35 lakhs from the society budget of Nandankanan is also dedicated to visitors by the Chief Guest. This naturalistic exhibit area of the enclosure has an area of 1350 sqm with species specific enclosure enrichments like large water pool with waterfall, big interconnected wooden logs etc. in addition to the existing trees and shrubs to fulfill their biological needs. Besides, enclosure has Keeper’s corridor, 2 nos. of feeding chambers and 3 nos. of back kraal to facilitate management of the inhabiting animals.